· gaze's blog

are words real? words are best when they have weight. but then to see them exposed as airy nothings! POOF. where to start? images? actions? we will always cycle through these. what is the basis, what is the starting point. psychedelic enthusiasm at finding any one of these bases and watching the world get stacked accordingly. fire, bro! and this basis seems like the beginning, the demarcation of then and now. now everything starts from this: this image: a campfire at night, seen through my eyes. see a word transform over time. feel its history, shaped by billions of tongues. its value point to a key. look at your balls right now. they're breathing, bro! breathe a word which doesn't speak. take a secret to your grave. your dying breath. the shorter the url the more it costs. ball: one syllable, 4 letters. refers to a small sphere, a joyous occasion. marbles are not balls. marbles are too hard. they clack against each other in a pouch. chit-chat, short for chitter chatter. pit-pat short for pitter patter. splish splash. teeter totter. tit for tat. pish posh. mish mash.